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Dante's 9 Circles Of Hell In Lego

by Sabotage
26 August 2013

The nine circles of hell have been recreated in LEGO by Romanian artist Mihai Marius Mihu. The epic project took him seven months to complete, and he used some 40,000 little plastic bricks to realize his vision.

The nine circles of hell have been recreated in LEGO by Romanian artist Mihai Marius Mihu. The epic project took him seven months to complete, and he used some 40,000 little plastic bricks to realise his vision.

“I didn’t read the Divine Comedy, only the small descriptions of the circles I found on Wikipedia and on other websites,” Mihu has explained. “I didn’t want to be much influenced by the original descriptions because I wanted to give a whole new fresh approach for each circle. I thought more about the significance of titles and from then on it was only my imagination.”

Originally from Flavorwire


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